We went up to Nashville last weekend to see Gigi and Skip and to shop some consignment sales. Avery is a very good traveller and adapts well to new surroundings and schedules. Our fingers are crossed that she stays this way!
She is getting so big in her swing. Instead of a calming, sleepy place, the swing has become a large play toy.
Our sweet girl. We love her smile.
Avery is now an ambi-roller. It seems that she has forgotten how to roll from stomach to back now. She is very good at rolling from back to stomach but all of a sudden seems to get stuck while on her belly. When she is up on her belly, she attempts to get up on all fours. She kicks her legs and pulls with her arms. She has become quite the little "talker." She isn't laughing yet, but she seems so close. She really likes standing now. She has upped her feeding amount and now weighs approximately 14 pounds. She is wearing 6 month pjs. She seems to have name recognition (most of the time). She can definitely distinguish voices. She loves watching the dogs play and FOOTBALL!! I guess that's the update on little Avery's life for now. Next week will be a whole new world!
See the posting below for some additional pictures taken in Nashville...