We also realized that we haven't taken any bath time photos in a while, so here are some:
Avery with her washcloth puppet, Henrietta
In her towel after bath time
It was actually COLD this past weekend (actual daytime temp....44). Some friends of ours gave us a Columbia "snow suit" for Avery, and we couldn't resist putting it on her. It was so cute! Thanks, Adam and Ashley!
We went to the Pumpkin Patch last Saturday, and it was very, very cold. Good thing we have friends who think to bring blankets. We wrapped Avery up in a monkey blanket, and it must have been pretty comfortable and toasty because my non-cuddler fell asleep while I was holding her (this hasn't happened since she was brand-new...she is a put-me-in-my-crib-and-let-me-fall-asleep-on-my-own kind of girl).