Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 14, 2009

First Fall Bonfire

The Youth Group's Fall Bonfire was tonight. Avery got all layered-up in order to keep warm. The temperature was about 45 degrees, so it wasn't too bad. We were there from 5:30-8, so that included dinner and her evening nap. She loved all of the excitement, the little dog that was running around, and watching the fire. She took a nap while being passed around by everyone. She was such a good sport and had a great time! She had on 3 full layers of clothing underneath the outer purple shell. She was very reminiscent of A Christmas Story.

Here she is at home about to leave for the bonfire.
Here she is in her carseat. I had to let out the straps to go around the fluffy little package.
She was having a difficult time using her hands since she couldn't use her fingers. She's attempting to play with the Raspberry.
Here she is at the bonfire. She really liked the hay and wanted to play with it, but her fingers were inside the mittens. That's part of the little dog, Abby, that was running around.