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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

Well we did it. We saw Santa. We went up to Nashville to attend the annual Breakfast with Santa at my parent's church. It was more than just seeing Santa and breakfast, though. It was an entire morning of festive Christmas activities. Here are some pictures from the activities that took place:

First time seeing Santa: (at this point, I wasn't sure what would happen)
Didn't seem to mind him.
Playing with the animals at the live nativity scene outside. Here's Avery with a goat. Do you see the girl in the background? She's petting a chicken. The animals just took the abuse that was given to them.
Avery and a donkey. She tried to put hay in his mouth at one point. Smart cookie.
Avery with the photo scene that was set up in the auditorium.
Pooped after a morning of festivities.
Oh, and this is our new sitting form. One leg in front, one leg bent behind. I believe we called that a herky in cheerleading.