We took a short family vacation last week, and we headed down to the Gulf Coast. We stayed in a family member of a friend's condo, and it was perfect! It was located on Okaloosa Island, an island situated between Destin and Ft Walton. We had a great time, and cherish the time we were able to spend together! This was Avery's first time to the beach. We went to the coast of South Carolina last September, but the coast and the beach are completely different in our book. Avery wasn't a fan of the sand (neither am I, though!), so we spent much of our time at the pool. From our balcony, you could see the beach, and Avery would stand and exclaim, "BEACH!" or "OCEAN!" or "WATER!"
One of Avery's favorite things was the sliding glass door and screen door that led to the patio. She thought it was hilarious to be on one side and to look through and make faces to the person on the other side....
Here she is during a lunch break playing with the sliding glass door.

This is Avery ready for a dinner out, complete with flamingos (since we were at the beach). This is actually a top/pant set that was passed down to us from cousin Isabel, but we used it as a dress since it was so warm.

At the end of our trip, Matt took some quintessential beach pictures of Avery in her white beach dress that I bought a long time ago...almost two years ago, actually, when we found out she was going to be a girl! I can never resist a sale :) Here are some of my favorites: