Here are some pictures of what we've been up to lately....
My favorite part of the newborn phase is all of the sleeping that the BABY seems to get. Somehow I'm not getting as much as she is :) Probably because I use this "free time" to blog rather than nap....

Avery shared her sunglasses with Ansley the other day...

We have been frequenting the zoo quite a bit because the weather has been amazing lately. Here's Avery willingly touching/petting/squeezing a snake. The zoom is in full use here as I have no intentions of getting anywhere near a snake, much less a snake of that size!

After some inspiration from some friends, I decided to cut Avery's hair. After bath the other night, I brushed it all back and took some scissors to the ends. All in all I cut off about 3 inches. It is much more manageable now and doesn't get stuck in her food nearly as much! It's a fun summer do (since it was 86 degrees here yesterday!) I don't really have any official before and after pictures because this happened totally on a whim....

Another look at her new hair cut...

Avery asked to hold Ansley the other night (this is just the second time this has happened!). We tried to snap a few photos of this momentous occasion....

...but it was very short-lived (doesn't this picture make you want to jump in your car and come to our house as fast as you can?!?!)

My brother stopped by to see Avery and meet Ansley on his way home after Spring Break...