It's hard to believe, but Ansley is 2 months old today! She sure has grown! She's much bigger at this point than Avery was. She's already in 3 month clothing! She's smiling and cooing, and I think she wants to laugh---she seems to try. She seems to have sensitive skin, but I can't isolate what causes her breakouts/rashes yet. We go to the doctor on Thursday, so maybe he can shed some light and offer suggestions. Her eyes are still blue, and her hair is still brown. She has rolls on the top of her legs, and they are quite plump! She isn't sleeping through the night yet, but for the most part she only wakes up once (around 4am) to eat. Because she's not sleeping through the night, she hasn't been moved into her crib yet (the girls are going to share a room), so she's still in the bassinet. She gets swaddled at night, and she's started liking having a lovey near her face and hands. She still has a fondness for her
paci. She takes 4 ounces at each feeding, and eats every 2.5-3 hours. She needs to move up to size 1 diapers, but we're trying to use the couple dozen newborns that we have's quite a stretch! She likes being outside, and she likes being held. She also really likes her baths and doesn't scream when she gets out like her sister did/does. Overall she's a good baby but does get grumpy when she's hungry, overly sleepy, or over stimulated. Below are some pictures that I took today of Ansley in her swing....

Smiling at the mobile overhead....

She's really starting to play with her little hands....

Check out those chubby little cheeks....

Happy Two Months, Ansley!