Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Just a little comparison!

So these photos are not taken at the same angle or on the same scale, but I wanted to give you all a little comparison of our two girls. Very different...

Below are photos of the girls wearing the exact same outfit, size newborn. In these photos, Ansley is two months old and the outfit is tight around the armpits and the leg holes (this is the last time she will be able to wear it); Avery is four months old and still has room to grow (yes, a four month old wearing a size newborn)!

Ansley, age two months:
Avery, age four months:

And again, Ansley, age two months:

Avery, age four months:

My photo shop automatically did something strange to the coloring of Ansley's photos...I promise she's not hypothermic!!