For the Thanksgiving holiday, our little family took a little vacation. We left home on the Sunday before Thanksgiving and headed up to Nashville. We left the dogs with my parents and the rest of us set out early Monday morning headed for Asheville, NC. While there, we stayed at Ridgecrest, visited with some long-lost friends, and saw the Biltmore. We headed back to Nashville on Wednesday, just in time for Thanksgiving.
Avery thinks it's fun to play with Matt's head and ears as she sits atop his shoulders.

Two lovebirds on top of the mountain at Ridgecrest.

The Biltmore had a petting zoo/farm that was a huge success for both Matt and Avery. Here they are in the chicken coup.
This was a Biltmore-sized horse. Believe me, it was probably the biggest horse that I have ever seen.

Avery enjoyed petting the goats, much to the delight of her father.

Our family outside of the Biltmore. You weren't allowed to take pictures inside. It was decorated beautifully inside, but the outside was a little lack-luster.

Mommy and Avery sitting outside of the Biltmore.

Avery outside of the Biltmore. She stayed in her stroller most of the time. She actually fell asleep about half way through the tour.

Sweet baby girl all bundled up. This trip was our first experience with actual cold weather (rather than the cool weather we had been experiencing back home). She wasn't quite sure what to make of the wind.

Out for a walk around Ridgecrest.