We have so much to be thankful for; we are so richly blessed. This time last year, I was about 17 weeks pregnant, and we didn't even know if we were having a boy or a girl. This year we celebrated Thanksgiving with our sweet daughter who was 7 months old. So strange how much difference a year can make.
We were in Nashville for Thanksgiving. We celebrated with Matt's side of the family on Thanksgiving morning and my side of the family that evening. Matt's grandparents (Avery's great grandparents) got to meet her for the first time. Matt's cousin also came down and was able to meet Avery for the first time. On that side of the family, there are 3 children ages 2, and 1, and then Avery. Needless to say, it was a very special and memorable holiday.
Turkey dress time!

I love this turkey shirt. I'm glad it was a little big...maybe we can wear it again next year!

We went to take family Christmas pictures with me, Matt, Avery, and my brother Houston. After a long 10-15 minutes of taking pictures, Avery was exhausted and fell asleep in the car cuddling with her shoe. Hilarious.

It was quite difficult to get a good picture of all 4 of us. Usually, it was one of the "adults" who was not behaving in the picture. Imagine that....
Happy Thanksgiving!!