Avery turned 10 months old today. Matt and I both agreed that this morning she looked more like a small child rather than a baby. Very bittersweet. She has started this little smirk thing...see the picture below. It makes her look like a small person instead of my tiny little baby. She is such a smart little girl. She is talking (babbling) all the time. She plays by herself and finds ways to occupy herself. She's standing alone for brief moments and crawls so quickly. She is curious and thoughtful. Right now she tries to share her
paci with every one and anything she sees. When I pick her up, she pats me on the back and giggles. She is such a joy to be around. If we were guaranteed that every one of our children would be like Avery, you would see us on our own TV show because I would have as many as possible. Life is so fun these days. She lights up a room. I can't wait for her to grow up and see even more of her little personality, but I love her being my little baby right now. This is Avery right before we left for church this morning (notice the smirk).

We went to the zoo yesterday. We had a photo session outside at our old Alma Mater,
Samford. It was sunny and 62 degrees, so we thought it would be a perfect day for the zoo. Here she is in her stroller. Her top two teeth are still coming through, so she's chewing on everything these days.

And, to celebrate her 10 month "birthday," we went to Golden Corral for lunch today (a
Knierim man's favorite). This was her first time to the
GC. She enjoyed herself quite well and was a big hit for the
GC crowd. Since the highchairs were circa 1980 and fairly unsafe, I'm assuming small children aren't the norm around those parts.