Hard to believe, but Avery turned 15 months old yesterday! We went for our 15 month check-up today, and the stats are confirmation of our little runt :)
Weight: 19 lbs 1 oz (5th percentile)
Height: 30 inches (40th percentile)
Surprisingly, the doctor was very happy with those statistics. Avery only has 6 teeth, and he was happy about that, too. He very much eased our minds and told us that teeth were overrated for small children because all they do is increase decay; they don't need front teeth for tearing because we already break up the bites; they don't need molars for chewing because their gums do that perfectly for them. I was definitely nervous about his comments regarding her lack of teeth and lack of weight, but he made us feel much, much better.
We fill out a milestone sheet at every appointment, and today was the first day that confidently answered "yes" to all of them without having to twist any of the questions to fit her. She is growing up so quickly. She already has an extensive vocabulary, and she uses her words appropriately. She had good manners. She's learning the difference between right and wrong very quickly. She climbs, runs, and rides her self-propelled cars. She helps put her clothes on in the morning. She eats anything and everything that we put in front of her. She likes to color. She takes one or two naps each day. She loves the zoo, the park, and the pool. She enjoys her stroller and taking walks. She laughs at herself. She interacts with her toys and dolls. She will sit and watch an entire hour-long episode of Sesame Street or a 30 minute episode of Angelina Ballerina and laugh at the appropriate times. She knows how to be gentle. She knows how to kick, throw, and "catch" a ball (or anything for that matter). She points and says "No ma'am!" to things that she knows she can't play with or touch. She likes to pretend to talk on the phone. She attempts to say any word that you ask her to repeat (and some she overhears).
There is so much more, but that's enough for now. She's a joy to be around, and we couldn't have asked for it to be any better. I'll post pictures later :)
22 hours ago