It is with immense joy that we announce that Avery will be a big sister next year! Our official due date is March 9, but we will have a scheduled C-section the week before....we get to pick the date! Now, of course, this is assuming that I will be able to make it that long. You may remember that Avery came a few weeks earlier than her planned/scheduled C-section. But, we are all praying that I can go a little longer with this one! I apologize that the picture is upside down and not good quality---we had to use our scanner. The top picture shows the baby (blob on the right) and the yolk sac (circle on the left). The bottom picture shows the little arm buds and leg buds (the small white dots around the baby blob). Matt thought that Avery at this same point looked like a chicken nugget, hence the nickname Nuggles. He thinks that this one looks like a gummi bear. We'll see what nickname he comes up with :)