Ok, get ready...Christmas posting (almost a month LATE!) is happening. It was a whirlwind this year. Avery is a year older, obviously, and we weren't sure how responsive she would be to the whole Christmas season. She didn't quite get it. In fact, at one point, I think that she thought Santa and Jesus were the same person...yikes!!
Our Christmas holiday started on Christmas Eve eve evening (December 23). Matt, Avery, and I celebrated at our house that evening as a family. We stuck to the three gift "rule" this year, and frankly, I think that we could have done one present (or even NO presents), and she wouldn't have cared/known.
Here she is sitting with two of her presents (her stocking makes #3). I think that she looks so old in this picture!

She got a Magnadoodle! I had to include this picture because she was obsessed with smelling the magnets. Not sure why...

Opening her stocking....

Playing with all of the "loot." She got a Magnadoodle, Tag Reader system, and her stocking was full of books, Elmo slippers, flashcards, and bath crayons.

After all of the excitement was over, she went to the recycling bin and got this out to play with. Of course, after receiving new toys....the best thing of all is obviously the cardboard roll of wrapping paper. She thought it was hilarious to stick her arm in it and have an arm extension. This picture was hilarious to me because she looks gangster.