On Christmas morning, we woke up to this.....

This snow suit may look a little dated and worn, and that's because it is. It was mine over 25 years ago. It fit Avery pretty well. She thought she was hot stuff! It reminded us all of the movie A Christmas Story because she was not able to walk up steps because of all of the layers. She really liked the snow, however, she was very upset about getting it on her shoes and making a mess.

Matt made snowballs and threw them at me and her the entire time. I like to look at snow, but I don't like being cold. I deemed myself the photographer and stayed on the porch as much as possible. Here's Matt trying to talk Avery into taking a bite of the snowball. She didn't want to at first, but after about 10 minutes of convincing and Daddy eating a few, she gave in.

See, I can do it all by myself!

Then, we couldn't stop her. If Matt threw a snowball, and it didn't bust completely apart, she would go get it, pick it up, and start chomping down!