We took Avery to the Workshop for her birthday. This was her first time to be in the store (ours, too), so it took a little while for us to figure out exactly what to do and where to begin...there were so many choices! We had this ideal situation in our heads that she would walk in, find a stuffed animal that she loved and had to have, and we would begin assembling it. Didn't happen. She was too excited about all of the different choices. She would go to one bin, choose that animal, say she loved it, and then drop it on the ground so that she could go to a different bin, grab that
animal, say she loved it, and drop that one on the ground in order to grab another animal from another bin...you get the picture. So, mom and dad had to narrow down her options for her and let her choose from three animals rather than thirty. She really liked this experience, and overall had a great time! It was smack in the middle of nap time, so there was a small act of rebellion when it was time to leave, but other than that, she did great and followed all the directions and steps.
Here she is first peaking into the bins and realizing that there were animals in them...

That quickly became her favorite thing to do. She liked being able to climb up on the shelf and peak into the bins...

Here's the deflated bear that she ended up choosing...

Watching the stuffing machine...

Getting a heart to put in her bear...

Stepping on the pedal to stuff her bear and watching the stuffing stuff her bear...

Getting to see and kiss her newly stuffed bear for the first time...

Then it was time to give her a bath and a brush at the grooming station...

Next it was time to pick out her clothes in the Dressing Room area...

Lastly we filled out the personalized birth certificate for the newest member of our family, "Little Bear"