We did Easter baskets AFTER church which worked a lot better than trying to cram it in before church, for us any way. We didn't talk much about an Easter basket leading up to Easter; we talked about Easter was when Christ rose from the dead. We would ask her what happened on Easter, and she would reply "He has risen." We know she has no idea what that means, but we wanted that to be a foundation for the Easter holiday. We talked about Easter baskets in the car on the way home from church, so she was a little confused as to what she was supposed to do with it. But she quickly figured it out! Her Easter basket consisted of:
candy-filled eggs
Milo and Otis dvd
bunny ears
Sesame Street paint soap for the bath
book about an Easter egg hunt
miniature (but real!) kitchen tools

Putting on the bunny ears. She thought this was quite funny...

There were some candy filled eggs in her basket. She would open them and then give the candy to us (she's not really a candy-loving little girl....bummer for her!)...

Pointing to and naming all of the animals on the Milo and Otis dvd... (we, of course, watched it immediately!)

Found these miniature kitchen tools at Bed, Bath, and Beyond while shopping for a wedding gift. They go great with her kitchen and are the perfect size for her. Best of all, they temporarily keep her out of MY kitchen tool drawer!