We are zoo members, so in order for us to get our money's worth, we have been going at least once each week here recently (although, to come out even, I think you only have to go like once a month...but it's a good excuse to go!). Our zoo has fountains that run during the summer for the kids to play in and escape the heat, and with the heat index reaching almost 100 already, we dress Avery in her swimsuit when we go to the zoo so she can play in the fountains. But, for some reason, this year she's not such a fan of the fountains. She says things like "I can't want to play in the water right now" or "I need to go see the animals first" and so on. But still, I'm trying to be prepared because goodness knows that if she's not in her swimsuit, that will be the day that she would want to play in the fountains!
5 hours ago