We went to Orange Beach, AL last week for a beach vacation, and we had a blast! My parents came down, too, and stayed at a condo on the beach. We stayed at The Wharf (highly recommend!) which is not on the beach but on the bay/canal. The amenities at The Wharf were amazing. Check out one side of our pool!
Waiting for the trolley to take us to the pool on our first day....
Ansley's first day at the beach!
Give this kiddo her paci and lovey, and she'll nap anywhere!
Snack time! Cheetos!
At Gigi and Skip's pool. Love this picture---she has so much fun playing with her Daddy in the pool and going "way up high and tall"
Snack time again---Doritos!
Sweet girl in her stroller

A pre-photo op, photo op in Gigi and Skip's condo. We think she looks like she's telling a story.

Here are my little beach babies (and no, we did not really get a successful picture of the two of them....going to try my handy-work with cropping later on!)
We also got to see some of our friends, the Knighten's, while we were down there. They have a little girl named Mallory who is 6 weeks older than Avery. The pictures are pretty funny, and I'm not sure anyone but us and the Knighten's would actually appreciate them---the girls have so much fun together that they are always wide-mouthed, mid-scream in the pictures! I think that Sarah got some pics with her camera that might have turned out better?? If you follow their blog, too, check it out to see if there are some posted there!