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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Trip to Nashville

We went to Nashville a few weeks back to spend time with family following the death of my sweet grandfather, Charles Russell Thompson.  We enjoyed spending time with family and recalling the crazy Nashville weather!

One morning it snowed for about 4 hours.
My father ("Skip") and the granddaughters....this was the best picture of all 3.
 Avery trying to catch the snowflakes from the covered front porch....she wasn't too sure about actually going down the stairs to catch them.

Then, in true Nashville fashion, a few days later it was almost 70 degrees, windy, and sunny.  My girls had a great time running and playing in my grandmother's backyard.
(yes, Avery has on the same outfit on both of the days...since we were going to be there for a while, I decided to not pack as much and just do a load of laundry while I was there---why hadn't I thought of this years ago?!?!)