Ansley is growing like a weed. She's not just growing in length and weight but also in milestones! I meant to look at previous blog posts to see when Avery was doing these things, but I forgot...oh well! In the pictures below, she is only in a diaper. That is because when we went to bed last night as well as the morning hours, it was quite cool outside. After nap, it was back being hot, so the long pjs came off, and we stayed in just a diaper to cool down. Gotta love the crazy Alabama weather!!
Ansley is still 6 months old...will be 7 months old next week. She has been sitting, and I mean no support, no falling, competent sitting since before she was 6 months old. Here she is playing with the light-up/singing mirror that both of the girls love...complete with witch hat (we're getting ready for Halloween!).....

Last week, she started pulling up on the mirror, but would only get on her knees like the picture below....

A few nights ago, Matt found Ansley standing in her crib. Thinking it was a fluke, we wrote it off. That is, until she started doing this....

Seriously??!! We're not mentally or emotionally ready for this!
Oh, and I may not have mentioned before, but she's also really good at doing this....
Legitimate, efficient crawling. Holy cow! This child is growing up way too fast!