Ansley turned 7 months old on Sunday, so I'm a few days behind on this post. She's just a-growing like a weed! She has such a personality and is very adventuresome. She loves watching her big sister, and her big sister has started enjoying playing with Ansley. In fact, last night when Matt took Ansley out of the bathtub (leaving Avery in the tub "alone"), Avery said, "oh no; there goes my sister. I miss her so much." They have quite a good time together. When she's not playing with her sister, Ansley enjoys crawling over to the glass door and just watching. Right now we're somewhat decorated for Halloween, so there's quite a bit for her to look at. Sometimes she sits at the door, but most of the time she's on her knees like this....

She also doesn't really smile any more. It's just a wide-mouthed grin now....

She rarely cries, even when she seems to have gotten hurt. Since she's climbing up, down, and over things now and trying to pull up on anything she can get a hold of, she usually has something on her forehead like the red mark below....
She is such a sweet baby and so easy going. And like I said before, she seems to be achieving all of her milestones months ahead of Avery. Who knows, maybe she'll be potty trained before Avery :)