We went up to Nashville (just the 3 girls!) for a week in June. Avery enjoys spending time with her Gigi and Skip, and on one special day, she got to go to
Cheekwood with Skip and look at the train exhibit. It was really neat, and totally catered to children. She was fascinated by the intricate train tracks and the little trains.
Every time a little train chugged by, she got very excited and sometimes
Here she is looking through a peep-hole in a tree stump so she can see the train going through the mountain.

Here she is with Skip watching the train go by. Within the train tracks were tiny exact replicas of "famous" houses in Tennessee made from sticks. Very neat.

There were track systems everywhere...even way up high!

I thought it was so cute when she would say "Look! Look!" and point to the trains.

Sweet girl posing in front of part of the train exhibit.