Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Matt! (Part 2)

Good morning! We woke up this morning to the kitchen still decorated from our festivities from last night. Ansley seemed timid around the balloons last night, but this morning was a different story. She grew quite fond of them!
Avery was taken out onto the deck and sprayed with silly string that Matt received for his birthday. Love the little reaction that she's showing when she first got shot with it!

Smart girl knew not to turn around....did I mention that it was probably 40 degrees outside this morning??

She was so scared to turn around to look at the camera because every time she turned around, she got silly string in the face! Sleepy eyes.....what a great way to wake up!

We did an art project this morning during Ansley's morning nap. Thanks to Pinterest (I was totally skeptical at first but am now a die-hard fan), we have lots of great Christmas projects including this one that uses handprints to make a Christmas tree. We did the tree part with Avery's hand, and I'm going to use Ansley's finger with red paint to make ornaments. Paint on a star at the top and a trunk at the bottom, and voile. Although the perfectionist in me came out a little, I have learned to love the smudges and drippings. Can't wait to make our next project!