This past week, we all traveled up to Chattanooga to visit the Aquarium and meet up with my parents. After the Aquarium, my parents took the kiddos back with them to Nashville, and Matt and I stayed in Chattanooga for the night and then headed back to Birmingham to next day. The girls will stay the week up in Nashville with my parents, and we will meet back up next Monday to get them back. They are having a blast up there, and Matt and I are making it
ok down here---it's a little lonely (and quiet!) around here!
Once we told Avery that we were going to the Aquarium, she talked about it non-stop. She was so very excited about seeing all of the fish and seeing her Gigi and Skip. I promise that Ansley was there, there just aren't any pictures of her...poor second child!
Here's Avery at the first touch tank. She jumped right in...literally; well, she would have. We stopped her.

Unfortunately she's a little too small to actually reach the sting rays and crabs and
whatnots. But that didn't stop her from pretending that she had actually touched them.


Here she is in front of the penguin exhibit...probably one of my favorites. That blur going by her is a penguin. They were so fast!

And this is Avery in one of those bubble things within a huge, spider-like, gross-looking, creepy crab exhibit....she loved it.

This is Avery's third aquarium to visit. Not too bad for a 2 year old! Here are the links to previous visits that we've made:
Atlanta Aquarium (May 2010....yes, wearing the same outfit in 5/2010 as she is in 7/2011)
Charleston Aquarium (September 2009...not sure if there are actually any pics from the aquarium)